Innovative Services
Our pharmacy team thinks outside the box and pushes the limits of what we think about when we think of independent, community pharmacy. Through implementation of new innovative services, we continue to find ways to increase pharmacy access to all patients.
Services such as free, local courier deliveries, a HIPAA secure and confidential 2-way texting app, free gender affirming care medication and supplies access, and participating as a donated drug repository keep our patients engaged and connected to our pharmacy team members.
Gender Affirming Care – Pilot Program
A new collaboration with the End the Epidemic initiative and PIHC Pharmacy now allows for our transgender patients receiving care at PIHC medical clinic to receive hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and supplies free of charge. We believe in meeting our patients where they are in terms of medication priorities. Many of our trans identifying patients have expressed concerns with costs and other access barriers to receiving their HRT on a consistent basis. Our goal is to remove this barrier to accessing gender affirming medications by providing free access to HRT and supplies such as syringes, sharps containers and alcohol swabs, keeping patients adherent and engaged in their medical care.
Drug Depository Program
The Donated Drug Repository Program (DDRP) is intended to encourage the donation of unused drugs
to our pharmacy for the purpose of dispensing them to individuals of circumstantial need such as;
● Individuals who have no health insurance
● Individuals who have insurance that does not fully cover the prescription drugs needed
● Individuals enrolled in a public assistance health benefits program
Our PIHC Pharmacy locations accept Antiretroviral medications only.